Saturday, August 20, 2011

off we go......

Here are bags, all packed ready to go. We are actually ahead of schedule so here we sit, a wait till the car comes. We are well under our baggage allotment for not only the international flight but also for the inter-China flights. A lot of weight will be gone in Nanchang too. There are some consumables and gifts that were heavier than needed.

I never take a carry on suitcase but the little black one is filled with meds and 24 hours of stuff for Howard, myself and Xiao Yue. If you asked me what was in the suitcases, I could tell you. I made spread sheet, yep my usual old Type A is shining. I figure that way, if they DO lose the bag, I know what to replace.

Does this feel real? Not sure yet. Maybe when we are at the airport? When I see her face? This is still surreal but yet VERY real. Xoxoxox


Krista said...

Safe travels! It's the most amazing experience. You're gonna love it.

Debbie Sauer said...

Have a safe trip. I know how you feel. Sometimes I still can't believe that I was in China and that was 3 years ago. Stay rested and hydrated.l Looking forward to updates and pictures. Blessings