Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday - even hotter!

We went back to Shamian Island. We had to meet our guide to give him a paper he needed for the meeting tomorrow. Then he walked with us and we got Amy, Tom and family. I asked our guide where the jewelry market building was. Peter said it was near where he lived so he would walk that way with us. He and Howard spoke most of walk because he is coming to NYC in a week or so and had some sightseeing questions.

We ended up very near where we were shopping yesterday. It is a five story, MASSIVE mall like building. The whole thing is stalls selling jewelry. I got Teagan some seed pearls and a pearl pendant. Then we went back through the shopping area, made a few more stops! Yes, more shopping. Amy is as bad as I am. Actually, the one thing I wanted to get on the trip was a gold charm for my bracelet. Finally got one today.

We got back to island and we all went straight to the restaurant about Jordon's. My pals who will be here soon - you really cannot get to that place quick enough. Must have the eggplant. Afterwards, a quick stop at Jordon's store downstairs. Then a couple more stores, picked up laundry and to hotel. We messed with the computers for ever and now VPN is going. While I have been catching the blog up to speed, it sounds like Howard got Teagan down for a nap.

We have a very busy day tomorrow. Early to meet van and go to consulate meeting. Then to a Buddhist temple. Amy and Ton may come over to our hotel after that. I'll try to post when I can, we should have good photos tomorrow.


Loves playing peek - a - boo.

View of the nicer shopping street where we were.

Mommy and Teagan. The Ergo is amazing but crazy hot for the both of us.


donna said...

So glad to hear everything is going so well - I mean, aside from the computer glitches and the extreme heat...
Did I read that another family you're with has adopted boys? Is that rare?
Take care - and keep the updates coming - they are the first thing I look for in the morning!

Unknown said...

I agree with Donna, love reading the blog every day and hearing all about your adventures. Say "hi" to Howard for me.

Priscilla Hanzok said...

Loved getting 3 posts today. I just eat up the pictures. What an amazing adventure!

Ruth said...

I am Adley's grandmother. Jack and I had Peter for a guide for one day. Tell him we are the couple that wanted to take the subways and he bought two picture frames with us. He is a wonderful guide and you are lucky to have him. I look forward to meeting you some day when the two girls play at Eve hpuse. Ony thing , I will have to drive in from pittsburgh. We were so HOT and I missed chocolate during my stay in China last month. The blog has many similar stories as our experiences. Enjoy and best of luck with your second child.