Thursday, October 13, 2011

Amazing photos.....

I HAVE to share these photos. They were taken by "D". I didn't get a chance to ask if I could use his name so for now.... "D". BTW "D", if I CAN use your name, let me know.

ANYWHOO, we were out with "D" and family this past weekend and he shot some amazing photos of the kids. I am saving the best one for our holiday photo. Thanks a million "D", we had an amazing time and these are treasures.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Life is a great big party

We have been having some fun times. {insert true happiness and a bit of sarcasm here}. We have been up to a lot and the list is not necessarily in order.

L'Shona Tova. It was the New Year for the Jewish faith. Bennett had fun making cool apple themed crafts in preschool. Also a watercolor painted plate for apples and honey for a sweet year. I was super happy the paint was truly washable! I was very proud of him as he tried honey and liked it. I guess it was the syrup like similarities that got him to try it. We had a lovely dinner to celebrate with Howard's mom and dad. We also got to celebrate a belated birthday for Grandma Barabara. (I think she turned 35)

Howard has been working hard on getting the basement back to working order after our flooding while we were gone in China. It has been a big project as we wanted the play space to be more user friendly. Thanks to insurance, we also have some of the jobs around the house slated for workers to come. I can't wait for these things to be fixed and also for our basement play space to be fixed.

Teagan's cold had gotten worse since I took her to the doctor. She sounded like she was wheezing to me. This is new territory as Bennett has not had this type of thing. I took her back and sure enough, they put her on a nebulizer. SO. NOT. FUN. Sometimes we get lucky and she is ok or falls asleep. Most of the time it is a body lock and massive screaming. She goes back to dr on Tuesday and I so hope she is clear. She is one very strong little girl.

The very, very fun was this weekend. We went to mom's in PA. She had an open house for our family and friends up there. It was wonderful. We had twelve cousins ten months to nine years and tons of adults. Food was yummy, company fantastic. All of our youngest even got naps ahead of time so that was perfect. It will be such a blast to have all these kids grow up together. I am so blessed with such a great family.

After such a difficult year, the Jewish New Year and this gathering of family helps in turning the page for my mom, sisters and I. I pray for more positive. Teagan being part of our family now is the biggest part of the very happy.


Teagan got her yummy black beans ALL over her face

Practicing saying "cheese"

Teagan loved getting into this rocking chair at her Nana's house

Big cousin Griffin and Bennett. Griffin is AMAZING with the little ones

My maternal grandparents, Betty and Cappy, with twelve of their great-grandchildren. This group is ten months to nine years.

Teagan and her cake

Bennett and Dorian checking out the cake.