Tuesday, June 14, 2011

feeling a bit unraveled

Feeling like I am unraveling a bit. Finding better perspective is hard. No news from China.

I did have a visit from mom last weekend. She helped me with my yard sale. It was a great but short visit. We got rid of a lot and all the money is put aside for China. It was fun as four other neighbors also had sales. It was a nice experience getting ready and working with people on my block. We are so fortunate to live on a great street.

I feel like it is Thursday and it's only Tuesday. By the way, I never did learn how to fix a knitting problem like the one above.


Beth said...

Hello, FOund your blog on RQ. Hope you get some good news SOON!!


Sandra & Steve said...

Hang in there, I KNOW, a cliche, just what you need, right?! I hung my heart on a quote while waiting for my daughter, you know the one, "everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end"! Wishing you all the best as you wait. Open ended waits are the hardest of all, you are not alone.