Monday, June 27, 2011

going to camp

Bennett is starting camp tomorrow. He is going to camp at the temple where he will go to preschool in September. Howard and I felt that he really needs an opportunity like this in order to transition well in the fall. Camp three mornings a week for three hours a day means I will have respite! Hip-hip-hooray. The time will go by fast. I won't know what to do with myself. (well, I will know what to do, just saying that...)

The photo. Yes, Bennett is now two and a half. This photo was taken when he was six months - two years ago. Howard and I love this picture. When you go to camp, you hike...... I just love my guys!


Cheri said...

Sweet pics of your guys. I LOVE to camp, but my big guy doesn't like all the work (sigh).

Still waiting to hear good news from you soon about your referral.

lucy mink said...

go visit Heather and her baby for me while he is at camp, she would love that