Wednesday, June 01, 2011

today's feelings

I woke today feeling sure I would get to know who my daughter was. Finally after five years. I got my call midday when DHL would have brought the referral. The agency said it was not here. She had called to China and her agent last night to inquire. Sure enough, our case is in the matching room still. Why? NO IDEA. Suppose to be a few there but who knows. I was crushed. We were to be matched last month and there was a problem now we are TO BE IN THIS BATCH!!!!

The thing that upset me most is when agency said " I'm not sure when it will get done, weeks?". What the Fu€£ WEEKS!!!! When I stopped crying, spoke to Howard and calmed down, I called her back. She is as upset as we are, well not AS upset but you get the picture.

I requested another call to China for the agent to go back and find out ANY and all information she can. ESP. when they think the case will go out. I am pissed off, scared, annoyed, sad.

Hoping for some positive info by end of week.


k1 said...
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k1 said...

I'm so sorry you've been passed over twice now. I can only imagine the frustration and anger. Others in RQ land were passed over too, in the past, and when they eventually got their referral, they were so glad that they got the specific child they did...that the child just seemed to be a perfect fit for their family, so maybe your perfect fit wasn't in this group. Anyway, again, so sorry for the the delay.

(had to correct a spelling error)

Janice said...

My heart goes out to you! We were skipped 3 years ago because one year before that we had been asked a question in review (a dumb one at that). We did have to wait until the next month and I can still remember how much it hurt. However, our DD is the love of my life. It will happen. Keeping you in my thoughts!

Pling&Plong said...

I am so sorry for you! You will get there and when you do you will know why you had to wait. But today I completely understand your feelings, how extremely tough!

Anonymous said...

We are in the same situation. We are crushed, but we have to go forword, next month we will see you in China. ( We where two in our group who get the same message. ( We are from Norway ) Huggs from me to You :)

Monique said...

Anonymous: do you have any more info? What were you told? Yes, I so hope this gets fixed and we are both in China soon. Hugs back at you.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I think the weight I lost the last few months will be back on soon as I am doing some major stress eating.....

Karen said...

I cant even imagine. With our first daughter, we had MANY stumbling blocks, and when we got her referral, the was from when she was 9 months old, but the actual referral was when she was 14 months old. No one had a clue as to WHY she did not get referred for 5 months.
All I can say, in retrospect, is that she also had many stumbling blocks to get her to us....and I honestly feel the match was made in Heaven.
You will be matched with YOUR son or daughter. I truly believe that. And the stars have to line up just right for that to happen.
It must be sooo frustrating for you though...each day must seem like a month. Im sorry you have to wait. The verification word for me is "intince" and when I first read it, it looked like "intense" -interesting.

Dreamgirl said...

I am the other one from Norway, in the same group as Anonymous kl. 6:35 PM

we didn`t get our refferal and are going crazy over the fact that we have to wait even longer.

Hugs from me to you

Catherine said...

no words just ((((hugs))))

Danielle said...

I am so sorry for what you are going through. We have experienced loss after loss in our journey to parenthood - miscarriage, fertility treatment failure, three failed adoptions, one baby died, the last one the birth mother changed her mind after we had the baby in our arms. It is one of the most heart wrenching things you can go through. If you would like to read our story for a little encouragement you can find the blog on Rumor Queen. It's called The Abundant Life. You will be in my prayers.

Dreamgirl said...


My LID is 21. june 2006.
We had to give China som more information in June 2007. That is why we`re not in this time, but the other couple didn`t hav a clue to why they were not in.