Tuesday, May 24, 2011

some numbers

4 years, 8 months, 18 days between the last two posts
4 years, 9 months, 6 days since our LID in China
(LID is "log in date" and is the measure of when you will get a referral)
0 the number of years to go, we are hoping it is a matter of months
1 son born in December 2008
3 houses lived in since we started this process of adoption
$123,456.78 dollars we have spent so far..... OK.... just kidding, but it feels like it!
$.10 the cost of the tea bag I am sipping on while writing this
3 the number of cell phones I've gone through since 6/18/06
0 divorces, Howard is amazing

There are, of course, more numbers (I am told an infinite amount) but this is what popped into my head this afternoon.

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